Though we can't ensure 100% quality on the products, we do try to provide 100% satisfaction for all transactions. Please refer to our Money Back Guarantee section for more details.

Highly suggest to register an account for easier access and tracking of the order. We do not send promo emails to your email address unless you subscribe to our newsletter.

Select Products

Products may with free shipping service, if so you can see there is a "free shipping" tag on the product grid page.
If a product is not free shipping, the product page may show up "+ shipping cost on checkout".
Select the product and set the quantity, and then add it to shopping cart.

*Suggest to make separate orders for free-shipping items and non free-shipping items

You can go to shopping cart and checkout right after adding a product to the cart, or you can click the shopping cart icon on top right corner of the page to go to the checkout section.

Checkout Page

On checkout page, you can see items name, quantity, price, tax, and grand total,etc.
You can revise the qty, add, or remove products - please refresh the cart by clicking "update cart" button

Shipping Estimate

Input your suburb name and postcode to get a shipping estimate.
You will get a list of shipping methods available for this order.
If all the items in the shopping cart are with free-shipping service, then "free shippig" will show up as a shipping method.
Select one and add shipping cost to the shopping cart, and then click "continue"

Payment Page

On the payment page, please put your address, select payment method and click "Place Order"
We are now using Paypal gateway as the online payment solution, and this gateway supports debit card, credit card, and many other payment methods.
To reduce risk, our website does not store any of your card information.

Order Confirmation and Tax Invoice

If order goes through payment gateway successfully, and come back to our website successfully. You will get an order confirmation email to confirm your order was placed successfully.
If you do not receive such email, it could be an Paypal issue, please email us to rectify this.
All Tax invoices will be sent by email after payment is done. Please check your spam folder if not in the inbox.

If an order is shipped, you will receive an email with the shipment information, which contains shipping company and tracking number (if there is any).